The Quest for a New ArtsyFishy Mascot

For several months I’ve been thinking it’s time to create a new fish for my studio mascot, ArtsyFishy, so I’m doing a #dailydoodle every day in September to see what creativity bubbles up from the depths!

Comment on your favorites or join the quest and suggest fish that I can doodle!

Listen in to my live narration while I doodle a fish in under 10 minutes (from September 4th, 2022)!

My first ever ArtsyFishy and my along with my pre-September warm up doodles and September 1st doodle….



This is the awkwardist fish I know…the #frogfish , outstanding suggestion @andi_ipaktchi ~ I’ve never drawn one before! These adorable ambush predators don’t really swim, they fancy holding completely still and wiggling a lure to bring in prey..what’s hilariously awkward is how it walks on its fins—they would make a great #muppet. My best story ~ I was #sketching on #scuba next to one for 10 minutes completely oblivious and totally focused on a different animal. A dive buddy showed me his photo later and told me it was the biggest frogfish he’d ever seen! Don’t think I’ll ever live that one down. #fish #wip … Is this the future #fathomitstudios mascot? #fishfriday #tropicalfish


Hello #Oarfish! In the 18th C it was called a sea serpent….not to worry…it eats tiny #plankton (when not trying to devour my 3rd of September). Of the 3 species discovered so far, the Giant Oarfish holds the record for the longest bony fish on the planet! I recommend finding some videos to see how it swims, they are gentle and graceful. Our first videos of them are from this century! I’ll be doing a #fish #penandink #dailydoodle everyday September to see what creativity bubbles up from the depths! Why? Check out my reel on the 1st…it’s time for a new #artsyfishy mascot. I’d love to get your votes for favorites or suggest #fish that I can #doodle - #wip #logo #design #illustration #brainstorming on a #deskcalendar @papersource #dosomethingcreativeeveryday


Every Sunday in September is Imaginary-Fish-Day…completely made up (no #sciart here). It always starts with the eye…watch the narrated video on my Blog (link in profile). I’m doing a #dailydooodle #fish in #penandink (actually it’s @sharpie magic) each day in September…cuz it’sctime for a new #artsyfishy mascot. I’d luv your votes for faves or suggestions for fish I can #doodle ~ #wip #logo #design on a @papersource #kraftpaper #deskcalendar #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay